Luke Breadon


Popstar website – Wix

The brief

Annie is a Norwegian popstar with huge critical acclaim and a rabid fanbase. I slid into Annie’s DMs when I noticed her prior website was a non-responsive, seemingly hand-coded piece that looked straight out of the late 90s. Once we got to talking, Annie’s brief was for an easy-to-edit Wix website that could showcase her latest music and news.

Design solution

I designed and built a Wix website which leveraged the evocative photography captured to coincide with the release of her latest album Dark Hearts. I integrated a blog and email newsletter subscription form, so Annie could not only engage her audience but grow it over time. The live website can be viewed at

What was my input?

I was engaged as the sole designer and developer for the project, including the build of a Wix website and Mailchimp email marketing integration. I maintain contact with Annie for site maintenance.

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